понедельник, 30 сентября 2013 г.

Essay 9. Some people say that television is a very useful tool when it comes to education. Others argue that television is a much overused, ineffective teacher. Discuss both of these views and give your opinion as to the usefulness of television as an educational tool.

There are some modern ways to enlarge your educational background, such as using computer programs or watching tv. Some people condider watching tv as a good educational tool. Others have just the opposite point of view. There are some causes for each thought, and every person decides by himselves if there is a sense to use watching tv in educational goals or not.

I can admit some purposes to consider the above mentioned way of spending the time useful for the education. If people want to perfect their second language it gives them the opportunity to master their listening skills, gives a look on real speech, accents and intonation. Subtitling helps you to enlarge your vocabulary, improves spelling. Watching scientific proprammes, such as national geographic, popular mechanics, leads to the understanding the "physics" of the world, its specific features. If your ability to concentrate on the subject is high there is a great chance to succeed.

On the other hand, watching tv can not be considered as an efficient educational means due to several reasons. At first, there is a problem of informational source. Only several tv resources prove their scientific relevance. For instance, you can check some facts, whivh have just been described in a tv show in the encyclopedia, to be sure that this cycle of videos uses scientific methods in their research. Secondly, I believe that there is some simplicity in description of the comlpicate processes happening around the world, in order to be easily understood by ordinary people or be in "tv format". So, using "easy language" is unscientific.

All in all, in my opinion, the result of using television in educational purposes depends on somebody's ability to focus on the subject. I also think that reasonable choice of tv programmes can give a good chance to enlarge one's educational experience.

In conclusion, I am persuaded that modern development of educational tools gives us a wide range of means to succeed. Sometimes there is a sense to use watching tv, sometimes you have to use something more traditional like encyclopedia, text book or just teacher's lectures. But everyone should try to be sure that he/she catches all of the opportunities.

четверг, 26 сентября 2013 г.

Essay 8. Governments around the world are spending billions in support of space programs. This money would be better spent on research into improvements in human health. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Almost each developed country spends a huge sum of money on exploring space. They build spaceships which cost billions of dollars and make a huge amount of expensive experiments in aerospace. Some people consider that there is no sense in the above mentioned expenditures.Consequently, the money which could be saved by shortening aerospace budget should be redirected to social needs. I also think so due to several reasons.

At first I think, that the huge amount of money spent on space science could save plenty of lives today, not in the distant future. For instance, it costs forty thousand dollars to make kidney transplantation, but lots of people die because they have not enough money and time to wait. It is really unbelievable, how many people's lives could be saved if even half of "space money" was redirected into improvements in human health.

One more reason for me to consider spending money on space programs as just a waste of billions dollars is the fact, that there aren't enough benefits from investing money in space programs. It does contribute to the development of science, however for an ordinary person it's almost impossible to see and feel the results. There is no difference for farmers, for example, what is going on in the space, as agriculturists would not grow their gather in airships in the closest time. We don't even know about the discoveries which had been done. Moreover some of these inventions would never be implemented.

One more cause to reduce space exploration is the opportunity to bring a mortal disease from the universe. People could die, as outside organisms could have another structure and the diseases which they cause could be fatal. On the other hand we can also bring our sicknesses to the universe.

I am persuaded that airspace exploration is caused by curious nature of humans, who always strived to discover and explore something new. But we should keep a balance between our curiosity, dangers and current needs.

суббота, 21 сентября 2013 г.

Essay 7. Buying fashionable clothes is wasteful because people don't need new clothes all the time. Clothing should be bought and used more wisely. Do you agree?

Meet by clothes, see off by mind. This proverb is very topical nowadays. A lot of people buy more and more fashionable clothes to be evaluated positevely by others. I agree that buying fashionable clothes is rather wasteful, but I should admit that there are some cases, when person should "keep the trend". 
I'm persuaded that there are a number of wise ways to spend somebody's money than to waste it on the clothes which is "on the wave" only for one season or less. This money could be spent on education, housing, leisure time or hobbies instead of being thrown away. For instance, I'd better buy a new book, than a new t-shirt.
Another cause to buy the clothes wisely is the fact that new trends in fashion don't suit everyone sometimes. Some fashionable colors could make you unattractive. So red colour which is on "pick" now, doesn't suit me, as my skin a is also becoming reddish, and the same was with "pointed shoes". My legs looked as skis. My size was 39 and additional 3 sm on the "nose" of the shoes made my legs immense. 
Though there are some cases when people should follow the trends. Celebrities wear top quality designer clothes, as only wealthy people can afford themselves buying such expensive clothes. In such cases - "clothes make the man. Top managers, politicians should wear classic style clothes. There is a risk of similarity, but I consider, that there is no place for red suit in politician's wardrobe. Some detailes or accessories could make a persont look different not like the others. 
To conclude, I am persuaded that people should keep in mind the models and colours that suit them, but there should be a place for a little experiment. And of course, some outstanding occasions could be marked with creative and fashionable looks.

Essay 6. To learn a foreign language successfully you need to spend time in the country where the language is spoken. Do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays it is very popular to improve one's language proficiency by living in the country of native speakers. Though there some disadvantages of this way of perfecting a language. However, I consider that it is the most effective means of acquiring the language. 
The most important feature of the above mentioned way is the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of the language. The communication takes place in a definite language, as well as printed info, mass media are aldo in the language you are mastering. For instance, some of my friends spent 8 weeks in France.They lived separately, in families. Nobody in their surrounding spoke Russian. When my friends came home, everybody admitted that they srarted speak French more fluently in a short term. 
Another plus of living abroad in order to improve somebody's language skills is the fact that you won't be able to use your mother tongue. You'll have no way out as to speak a foreign language. Even your chatting with acquaintances using your mother tongue could stop the progress, so sometimes it makes sense to limit your communication with people who don't speak the language you want to perfect. 
As every phenomenon, this one has also its pros and cons, and consequently, there are some negative sides of spending time in the country where the target language is spoken.I can admit high cost of living, studying abroad, though some people work at the same time and even save some money. It is also difficult to find some considerable amount of time for living abroad. I am persuaded that there's no sense to spend less time than one year, if you want to learn a foreign language successfully. 
In conclusion, I'd like to notice, that there are some additional benefits in living abroad perfecting language, such as excellent opportunity to have a look at traditions of native inhabitants, to get some new friends and, finally, to come a part of something different, unusual.