суббота, 21 сентября 2013 г.

Essay 7. Buying fashionable clothes is wasteful because people don't need new clothes all the time. Clothing should be bought and used more wisely. Do you agree?

Meet by clothes, see off by mind. This proverb is very topical nowadays. A lot of people buy more and more fashionable clothes to be evaluated positevely by others. I agree that buying fashionable clothes is rather wasteful, but I should admit that there are some cases, when person should "keep the trend". 
I'm persuaded that there are a number of wise ways to spend somebody's money than to waste it on the clothes which is "on the wave" only for one season or less. This money could be spent on education, housing, leisure time or hobbies instead of being thrown away. For instance, I'd better buy a new book, than a new t-shirt.
Another cause to buy the clothes wisely is the fact that new trends in fashion don't suit everyone sometimes. Some fashionable colors could make you unattractive. So red colour which is on "pick" now, doesn't suit me, as my skin a is also becoming reddish, and the same was with "pointed shoes". My legs looked as skis. My size was 39 and additional 3 sm on the "nose" of the shoes made my legs immense. 
Though there are some cases when people should follow the trends. Celebrities wear top quality designer clothes, as only wealthy people can afford themselves buying such expensive clothes. In such cases - "clothes make the man. Top managers, politicians should wear classic style clothes. There is a risk of similarity, but I consider, that there is no place for red suit in politician's wardrobe. Some detailes or accessories could make a persont look different not like the others. 
To conclude, I am persuaded that people should keep in mind the models and colours that suit them, but there should be a place for a little experiment. And of course, some outstanding occasions could be marked with creative and fashionable looks.

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