четверг, 15 декабря 2011 г.

Prodolgenie pro v4erashnii den'

Den' na4alsa v 10.00
 Dysh, zavtrak... vupolnenie domashki do obeda... obed, yl'pan, son, ygin, lectcia, stydia... no4noi 4ai s byterami...
Za buterbrodu s surom v 23.55 ia sebia nenavigy yge poldnia…
Kagetsa, y menia, deistvitel’no, problema s rasporiadkom dnia.
I begin to go to bed in 23/00 and later, that’s why I can’t stand up in the morning.
I’ll try to change the rules of my life.
And, first of them will be: Go to bed in 23.00. NOT later.
                                      Don’t eat after 18.30.
 I think if I’ll be able to apply the rules for 2 weeks, we’ll add some more.
Sorry for my English.
I try to do my English better, that’s why I decide to practice more…

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